22 November 2011


I voted today, finally sending off my papers over a week after I printed them off.

To be honest though, if it wasn't for the novelty of the first time, it was so much trouble that I really wouldn't have bothered. That's a horrible thing to say, but unfortunately it's the truth.

First things first I had to download my voting forms off the website. In order to print them, I had to find a 7/11 that had a functioning printer. This actually took 2 days, due to me be forgetful and just downright bad luck (one was broken, another had no paper etc etc.) what are the chances?

The next week or so was spent looking for envelopes sold individually. This turns out to be impossible unless you want something with Hello Kitty on it (perhaps not so appropriate for voting?) so in the end I had to buy a pack of 30... what do I do with the other 27 now, any ideas?

Then fill in the form and find someone appropriate to witness, the list of which is kind of pernickity if you are not employed.

Finally, get it ready for the mail. One envelope for the declaration; one envelope for the voting papers, another to put those in to send to the New Zealand Commerce and Industry Office here in Taipei. No embassy as we don't recognise Taiwan properly as a country (it's a part of China isn't it?)

Then off to the post office to wait in line behind lots of folks sending things to their children studying in the States. Those kids must get a package every week, lucky ducks... No disrespect to my loving parents, I blame the post service, not you.

A price breakdown of my voting experience - 

Pack of Envelopes 35NTD
Printing 8NTD
Postage 10NTD

Grand Total:  53 NTD (NZ$2.30)

Also don't forget the cost of my precious time wasted, when I could have been in the library memorising more of those characters.... I didn't know how the quantify that accurately.

On another note, where is all of the information about party policy, the referendum, candidates etc online? Google only comes up with rubbish about the "Teapot Tape" scandal. I couldn't even find out who any of the Wellington Central candidates were. Seriously? So not inspiring.

I know I should be grateful for the fact that I actually have a right to vote but right now, it hardly seems worth it.

Wow, this is a depressing read. Happy Tuesday :)

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