20 December 2011


photo: Thick toast with peanut butter and condensed milk

I arrived here in HK last night, too late unfortunately to go out and eat, but I have definitely made up for it today.

Up early to meet a friend from Taipei and hit the visa office. That sorted, we headed for a late breakfast at the classic HK style dinner.

I love these places, the east meets west, don't want to think about how much fat and sugar is involved deliciousness of it.

 Crispy bun with condensed milk!
Accompanied by Coffee with tea.


 And this was just round one. It was my friend's first time in HK and he only had a day so I felt we had to make the most of it. Wonton noodles soup from Mak's Noodle (a HK institution), egg tarts, mango pudding, waffles, coconut with sago..... Luckily whilst seeking out all of this food we managed to cover a lot of ground. Central, Admiralty, Causeway and a quick ferry ride to Kowloon. I forgot how tiring walking all day was!

About to drop into a food coma I think.

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