20 May 2011


It is raining today so not the best conditions for wandering the streets. The footpaths here are not only slippery, but also cracked, uneven and filled with holes, its not a risk I’m willing to take without good reason! Thus, I am spending the afternoon inside, catching up on some reading. Bliss.

Since I’ve been here, I have to admit to experiencing rather painful pangs of longing for magazines! I am in serious withdrawal.

However, I’ve decided that, June being my birthday month, I will celebrate by purchasing all of the June issues of the major fashion monthlies, in Chinese of course! (no imported magazines in this town)

After a short but successful conversation with the local newsagent, I came home with this beautiful package – Harpers Bazaar China with a special supplement on watches. This magazine = heaven. The fashion editorial is incredible, on par with US, UK, Europe and definitely surpassing NZ and Australia.

The price is also far more accessible, the fashion monthlies being the more expensive of all the magazines on the market here, at what amounts to a mere NZ$4! Well worth it.

More importantly, it also provides me with an opportunity to practice reading. In the TESOL business, this would be referred to as using “realia” (now see how that course has paid off?) It’s slow going considering that barely any of the words used are things that I’ve learnt at school, but incredibly satisfying to read about something I am interested in.

Off to (attempt to) read about Diane von Furstenburg’s recent trip to China! (China is so “in” right now..)

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