19 May 2011


There are markets on every block here, down little side streets that wind around the apartment buildings, it is the best place to be early in the morning. Everyone is bustling around to get their daily groceries, catching up with friends and I'm told that the produce is actually cheaper than later in the day.

This morning I made the effort to get up nice and early (we don't do that in this house!) and take some photos. I am slowly getting into the habit of using my camera, but it's a slow process so bear with me.

Most of these markets typically sell fruit and vegetables, bread type products and baking (of the Chinese variety, best avoided unless you like spongecake), soybean products (milk and all different types of tofu), meat (yes it just sits out in the open all day..), and some snack stalls.

Summer fruit is just coming into season, I'm going to make a point of trying all of the uniquely Chinese fruits... I just need Yifan or Jun (my hosts) to help me choose the best ones!

However, first a shot of today's breakfast - a chinese pancake with chives and an egg, plus a touch of the spicy pepper chutney that they spread liberally on everything.

Now, on to the produce - 

1 comment:

  1. Amazing photos Caitlin! I am looking forward to reading more and seeing more of your photos. Take care and enjoy!

