26 December 2011


While in HK we went to Da Ping Huo, a private dining room serving Sichuan home style cooking in Central.

Located in a basement, this husband wife run operation offers two sittings of a set menu each evening, cash only.

The room sat about 30 people, and felt a lot like sitting in a small art gallery. The husband's paintings sat on the wall, amongst shelves of art reference books, polished concrete floors and stainless steel fittings.

3 appetisers, then 6 courses, alternating spicy - not spicy. Here they are -

Appetisers. These were the spiciest of the lot, it took a few minutes for my mouth to recover!

This dish below for me was the highlight. The heat was bearable while eating but it burnt for minutes afterwards! Chewy glass noodles, crunch, sweet, sour and spice. Wow.

Sliced beef with peanuts and celery.

A clean chicken broth to give us a break.

Slow cooked beef.

Pork covered in rice with sweet potato (kumara)

Mapo doufu (Pockmarked Grandma's Beancurd) so yummy I forgot to photograph it before digging in!

Another broth, potato based.

A favourite snack to have in Chengdu, red oil dumplings. Sweet and spicy. Yum.

Douhua or sweet beancurd for dessert. 

After everyone had finished, we got to meet the cook, who then serenaded us with a song. What a voice for such a small woman. 

We went home happy if perhaps a little overfull. 

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