30 August 2011


photo by Madelaine

In preparation for the torrential rain I expected today, I wore my new gumboots. Definitely one of my favourite Hong Kong purchases, just look at those tassles! Unfortunately, I didn't really get the opportunity to test them properly, not one shower all day. The typhoon is veering toward China and will miss Taipei altogether so I'll have to experience my first typhoon some other time...

Today I ventured to IKEA to help a friend buy things for her apartment.

It was filled with foreigners, probably all students just like us, and came complete with a Swedish themed cafe which was hilarious. It really got me excited about buying all of the things I'll need to make my apartment home. I'm not going to rush into anything though, I want it all to be perfect. I plan on spending a day or two there first before committing to a colour scheme etc. When it's all done, I'll be sure to take photos for you. Only two more days until I move in, so excited!

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