1 September 2011


photo: My building (looks nasty but I assure you the inside is fine)

After an evening of karaoke the night before, I wasn't exactly in top form for move in but it's all over now and just wonderful to be able to unpack properly for the first time since I left home.

I made another trip to IKEA for all the basics, learnt how to use the AC (most important) and my 4 door keys. The apartment is kind of odd, it sort of reminds me of that scene in "Blue Valentine" when they go to the dodgy sex motel (except perhaps not quite that bad!)

My roommate is  Taiwanese girl who I suppose rather unfortunately speaks fluent english (with an American accent like everyone else here... so strange)

I'm in a neighbourhood a bit further from the university but closer to SOGO and many other shops, more downtown which I like. I think it would be exhausting to be in that student atmosphere all the time, especially when there are just so many foreign students around.

My next order of business is to get myself a bicycle!

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