17 October 2011


This afternoon, an Australian friend and I went to the Brass Monkey, a Taipei pub owned by an Australian expat, that has live coverage of all the Rugby World Cup matches.

We got there at 2pm (opening time) in good time for the 4pm kick off, as this place is notorious for having no space during big matches. We scored a prime booth, and used our vouchers (450NTD buys you entry which can be redeemed in food or beverages) on a late lunch.

I had fish and chips (when in Rome). The fish was surprisingly juicy despite the dubious shape of the fillet...

I haven't really been keeping up with many of the results so the wall chart was highly informative. There was a good crowd present, of both expats and a large number of locals. AB fans completely outnumbered the Wallabies supporters. I don't know why but I expected the opposite. I didn't happen to have an AB's jersey on hand, but I think my all black Zambesi outfit more than made up for it.

A cheeky NZ fan has already filled in the overall winner slot -

 The perfect way to spend a Sunday afternoon.

P.S Apologies for the sometimes dodgy photos, ever since an unfortunate incident at the Shilin Night Market, where my camera collided with the pavement, it has been having trouble focusing at times.

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