16 October 2011


I spent yesterday evening in true Taiwanese fashion.

Late afternoon I went to one of the main shopping areas (walking distance from home = bad) thinking I would spent the evening browsing the department stores.


Within minutes of entering the store, I was asking if they had these loafers in a 39. They will be ideal for schlepping to class in. My school wardrobe is getting more casual by the day. I think my taste in shoes is also getting rather Taiwanese on it.. something in the water?

If Huge Hefner were studying Chinese, I have no doubt he would wear these to school everyday.

The other thing about braving the crowds in SOGO on the weekend - the special offers. I was lucky enough with my shoe purchase to get these creepy whitening products as a free gift. Most of the big beauty brands (including the Western ones) offer products with whitening properties; be it sunscreen, skincare or make up. I hate to think what the active ingredients are. Dare I try?

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