28 August 2011


The past few days have been spent largely preoccupied with the acquirement of an apartment. Luckily the one that I wanted was offered to me and I will go and sign the lease tomorrow! Class registration, national ID number and opening a bank account have all been things I've had to run around and sort out. Luckily, practically everyone at the hostel is doing the same thing so it's all quite social. I have seen absolutely no sights but I have had a chance to sample the excellent fruit (it's everywhere!)

Taiwan beer is also not bad at all if you like your beer light like I do.

Today I had my first sandwich in 4 months! A big deal considering I lived off the things at home.

This whiteboard records who is sleeping where in the dorms.

Tonight we bought magazines and food supplies in preparation for the big typhoon headed this way. We'll be battening down the hatches the next few days. I don't mind too much, I'm looking forward to giving my fabulous new gumboots an outing!

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