18 October 2011


Yesterday I had the opportunity to fulfill a lifelong dream.... be an extra in a Taiwanese music video.

Ok, so perhaps it was not a lifelong dream, but when the opportunity presents itself, and you have nothing better to do then why not?

After struggling to get out of bed for the 5.50am call time, we weren't really needed for the most of it, so an impromptu photo session ensued, got to learn how to make your own fun.

Among the things I was required to do yesterday, hug a tree, play around with leaves "pretend they're your ears!" eat a lot of cake (over and over) act hypnotised, and most unfortunately (and with great difficulty) - drool.

They wanted everything super dramatic which is not exactly my forte. Definitely good to go out of my comfort zone for a day. I wonder if I'll make the final cut?

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