13 October 2011


It will be my two month anniversary with Taiwan next week, and as such, I needed to start thinking about getting my visa extended. So far, the Taiwan visa thing has been a bit of bother all in all.

First things first, it was the sole reason we had to go to Hong Kong (like I really needed a reason, but nonetheless..) Taiwan, for obvious reasons has no office in China.

In Hong Kong, I was given a 60 day visitor visa, the visa they give all students rather unfortunately. This means that every 60 days, I need to visit the National Immigration Agency to apply for an extension.

Tedious yes, but I think they do this because too many foreigners were coming here to "study" but were really just mucking around. It gives them a way of checking up on us... In order to get the extension we need to present -

  • evidence of enrollment for next semester (tuition prepaid)
  • our attendance record, no more than 11 hours of class can be missed in a month

Of course all of these need to have the official stamps of the school on them (the Taiwanese are crazy for stamping things... I still can't get over it) 

So after spending yesterday gathering all of these documents, I spent this morning waiting in line at the NIA. Fun times, but I got my extension, mission accomplished. Just think, I get to do it all over again in December! I feel bad for them having to deal with all the paperwork...

Life has been pretty mundane the past few weeks, and I think it is reflected in my blogging... The whole point of the blog I suppose is for me to be able to look back years from now and see what I was doing, how I was feeling at any given time so I will keep it up, no matter how random and/or boring the posts become! For anyone who read this far, I appreciate your perseverance :)

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