13 January 2012


Taiwan is gearing up for the election this weekend and the campaigners are in full swing, banners like the ones pictured are all over the show (it looks kind of messy in my humble opinion.) I did like this fellows name though - "Smiling George." 

In my recent news, C and G are long gone and I've spent the week trying to catch up on class after 3 weeks of absence/no studying. 

I'm finding myself just going through the motions really, there is that mid-winter lethargy affecting everything and everyone right now, it is tough to find the motivation.

Luckily this funk can't last long, next weekend marks the beginning of a week long holiday for Chinese New Year. I'm very excited. 

As anyone who has spent lunar new year in an Asian country knows, everything shuts down and everyone goes home, it is not fun at all to stay in the city so I'm going to Vietnam! My last hurrah before my homecoming and inevitable joining of the workforce. Also a good chance to hopefully get some sun, I think I am suffering from a Vitamin D deficiency....

Happy Weekend

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