7 January 2012


It's been awhile since I've updated here... oops. Blame it on the fact that I've not been in Taipei for a while and that while I've been here, the weather has been so awful I've had trouble getting out of bed.

While C and G were here, we did a bit of a circuit of Taiwan. It was interesting to say the least. People say that you don't know the true Taiwan until you have left Taipei. All I know is I will be happy if I never have to leave Taipei again, save going to the International Airport!

Taiwan? It's just not for me.

It all started at Taipei Main Station, to catch Taiwan's High Speed Rail to the south of the country. The Taiwanese are understandably proud of the HSR. A train leaves every 20 minutes and arrives at the other end of the country in just 90 minutes. No wonder no one flies around here, why would you?

There was even a makeshift 711 in the the waiting area.

I was very impressed with the leg room. My 2pm Friday train was not full at all. This train is double the price of a regular express with tickets at about $50, which I thought worth it, but maybe the locals don't think so?

90 minutes later I arrived at Kaohsiung and was reunited (after a brief confusion in which we ended up at different train stations) with C and G.

Tomorrow: our "One Night in Kaohsiung" Adventure... stay tuned.

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