23 May 2011


The weather was stunning today, the first blue sky in a week! Spent the afternoon wandering the main pedestrian street, similar to Nanjing Lu in Shanghai, or Cuba Mall in Wellington :)

People watching was excellent because it was the weekend, lots of consumer spending going on. I had a fantastic iced coffee, from the same shops that sell my favourite bubble tea, which was a nice surprise.

I did a bit a of shopping myself, picking up the Chinese language version of The Great Gatsby.  I figured that since I have read this book at least 4 times, it would be slightly easier to guess what was going on! Besides, less than NZ$1.

Stumbled upon a supermarket with a decent imported foods section. NZ butter and cheese to be had, also blocks of Whittakers for NZ$10 a piece. I bought a 227g packet of butter for NZ$5. Yifan is into making cakes right now and she hadn't been able to find any so it felt good to be able to do something nice for her.

Coming home through the night market that is on our street every night I also picked up this bag. They charge for plastic bags in all the stores (quite rightly) so it's nice to have something a bit sturdier for the shopping.

Last but not least, tonights dinner -

Yifan and Jun picked it up for me on their way home. It is the Chinese version of the humble hamburger, customised by me with the vegetables :) They thought I might be getting homesick after 2 weeks of non stop noodles and rice!

Coincidentally, this burger is the local snack of choice in Xi'an, where we are travelling on Tuesday to stay for a few days,  I can't wait to see how it compares! Anyone have any Xi'an tips or requests?

1 comment:

  1. My favourite sort of blog - food, food and more food, with just a touch of shopping! Keep up the good work Caitlin. Thank you, Coral
