17 May 2011


photo: Vogue Mexico

These days I never go anywhere without my beloved umbrella, aside from my phone (with google maps, one can never be lost!), it is the most useful tool for getting around successfully.

  • Most obviously, it provides protection from rain (of which there has uncharacteristically been a fair amount of)
  • More importantly now that it is summer, it acts as a sunshade, rendering hat and sunglasses unnecessary
  • Protects from low hanging branches, poles, wires etc.
  • Protects from unexpected discharge of household waste from street side apartment buildings (happened just this morning!)
  • Makes me look more local, therefore less likely to be ripped off at the market
  • Finally, will aid me in achieving what the Chinese perceive as the ultimate complexion- pale porcelain, perfect. (maybe this is just a pipe dream…)
  • I’ll rephrase: will lower my chances of getting skin cancer.

P.S I heard about Taiwan today, and it is all finalised, I’ll be there in September!

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