12 June 2011


I lied! One more post before I leave for Chengdu.

So after yoga class today, I found myself feeling hungry and slightly nostalgic for the taste of home. Homesickness will make a girl do crazy things. I found myself tempted by the pictures in the window of what I suppose we could call the Chinese equivalent of a fast food place. A short wait later and I held in my hands, the Chinese version of the humble sandwich.

Unfortunately the real deal was not quite as appetising as the picture in the window. It seems that they have sliced a mantou or steamed bun into pieces and added beef, green pepper and red onion. All in all not a bad result, the meat had been marinated in some kind of sauce which made it very tasty, and I can never say no to red onion. Still.... did not fix my craving for the ultimate sandwich a la Homewood Farm.

P.S No mother I did not eat all of this, we will not have a repeat of Shanghai this time round.

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