25 June 2011


These did not disappoint. Chengdu has entire streets dedicated to the noble cause. I spent one very pleasant afternoon eating then walking, eating then walking just so I could try everything!

These delicious leaf wrapped Ye' er Ba are amazing. Steamed sticky rice with a delicious spiced meat filling.

Soft Tofu came in so many different variations.

Another personal favourite, jiaozi (boiled dumplings) in a sweet red oil. I don't know what is in the red oil but it rocks. Sweet and spicy at the same time!

Minced meat in a leaf. Filling was forgettable but they look cool.

A rule I employ while in China is, when you see a line of people waiting for something, join it. One morning I saw a very substantial line outside a tiny little restaurant. This bready pancake was what I came out with. I still can't believe I ate this for breakfast (deep-fried...spicy...) but when in Rome... The bread dough is rolled out, and plopped in an enormous wok full of oil. While it is floating on one side, a mince meat mixture is placed on the top side and it is then pushed down to deep fry. Ingenious as the filling becomes encased in a deep fried layer! I hate to think how many calories something like this has...

Noodles with miscellaneous chicken pieces. Needless to say, I didn't ask them to identify what parts of the chicken were involved.

DanDan Mian. These noodles have a big reputation but I was unimpressed. They did have the numbing spicyness that Sichuan cooking is famous for but really, it's just minced meat and noodles in a really spicy broth.

Finally my personal favourite, liang mian. Every province seems to have its own version of this kind of dish. I thought Lanzhou's was pretty good, but this was before I tasted Chengdu's! Liang mian means cool noodles so it is so easy for street vendors to peddle these, no on site cooking involved. A pile of cold noodles (pre cooked) is put into a bowl and then a variety of condiments added which one then mixes well with chopsticks and enjoys. Chengdu's were very spicy but also sweet (recurring theme here?) Very enjoyable on a hot day.

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