22 June 2011


You cannot go to Chengdu and not take a trip to see the giant pandas. It is inevitably the first thing anyone asks you when they hear you've been and they are considered one of China's greatest treasures. The Panda Base is located on the outskirts of town and as pandas are not the liveliest of animals, the guidebooks recommend getting there early, at feeding time to see them in action. I took this advice to heart.

I was out the hostel door by 6.30am, the early start was no problem considering that crazy loud snoring had kept me awake most of the night, it was a joy to have the reason to get out bed. After picking up a fresh soymilk and a banana, I hailed a cab and was at the Panda Base gate by 7.15am. Given that the gates open at 7.30am and the first bus arrives at 8am, there weren't too many people around. I was third person in the gate! Geeky I know :)

Well worth it though as it was bliss to wind my way along the deserted paths and be totally alone with nature. Sounds corny but this kind of opportunity does not come around often here and it is one of the things I truly miss about Wellington. By the time I got to the back of the park, where the giant panda enclosures are, it was almost time. My early start was  validated, I was able to watch the pandas eat (typical China- they say feeding at 9.30am but start at 8am?) with no other people around! Just me and the pandas...

The weather is now about 25-35 degrees and too hot for the pandas to be outside so unfortunately most of them can only be viewed inside their temperature regulated enclosures, behind filthy panes of glass that generally ruin photos. At least I have the memories... Watching them eat is incredible, they have stripping the outside of the bamboo so they can eat the sweet innards down to a fine art!

A definite must see if you come to Chengdu! Make it autumn so you can see the baby pandas!

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