27 June 2011


So, after 6 days, I had basically done everything "cultural" that I wanted to do. With one more day, and it being a Sunday, I decided to live like a Chengdu expat for a day, and see what the city had to offer on that front.

First up, a typical Sunday brunch, I took this at a western style cafe called "Grandma's Kitchen." The pancakes were totally forgettable but the numerous copies of the International Herald Tribune were to die for! Needless to say, I spent a few highly enjoyable hours here. Most of the clientele were lone foreigners and yuppie Chinese couples.

Next up, I checked out the english lending library down the street, such a great idea! Forgot to take a photo though...

Where in Chengdu does the Chengdu expat stock up on all the products they miss from home? At this place here - Sabrina's Country Store.

Where you can buy a box of cereal for about double what you would pay at home...

While escaping the rain in an enormous department store, I was talked into buying some Kiehl's products to try out. Unfortunately just a few days later, the government has announced that the up to 50% tax on cosmetics will be lowered. Imported cosmetics currently cost a lot more here so I generally try not to buy but I couldn't resist! I do love a new product...

Finally, the rest of the afternoon was whiled away in Starbucks. While it would be a form of social suicide to enter such an establishment in Wellington, I've found Starbucks to be very handy here. They always have reliable free wifi, comfy seats and air conditioning. Finding an appropriate place to sit in public is actually one of the biggest challenges. Most of the cheaper food places do not have seating so the best bet really is a fast food chain. I'm always amazed to see people in KFC and Starbucks playing cards, reading, studying.... You really do need to buy a place to sit. Thus Starbucks is the perfect place to write emails, read and escape the heat!

P.S Yes, that is the Chinese version of Elle Collections AW11, one of my favourites! Such a good price and so satisfying to get it so much faster than we do in NZ! It was perfection.

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