10 June 2011


photo fashiongonerogue

The weather is starting to get hot here, yesterday was 34 degrees! I'm realising that I packed all wrong and didn't bring enough summer clothes which is a right pain. I just like winter things so much more! The picture above is from the one magazine I brought over with me, I look at this editorial practically everyday and wish I could live in it! I want to wear a beautiful Celine coat and walk along the beach right now. It's ironic considering how much I gloated about missing winter this year.

Things are moving along nicely right now. Yoga and swimming everyday keep me busy, the people at the pool know my name and as yoga class is all in Chinese I figure it's all good practice. I'm definitely out of tourist mode as far as Lanzhou is concerned, yesterday I went to the pedestrian bridge over the Yellow River and took some pictures but it was all too ugly to show you! This place is hardly a tourist mecca.

Luckily, on Monday I'm heading to Chengdu for a week to see the pandas! I've decided that while I'm here in China with nothing better to do,  I might as well make the most of it and see as much as I can. Who knows when I'll ever have this kind of free time again.

So I won't be updating here for a while but hopefully I'll come back with lots of lovely pictures of the cute pandas and the spicy Sichuan food Chengdu is famous for.

Hope everyone is well!

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