28 June 2011


We first made Mian Pian soon after I arrived in Lanzhou, when the weather was still somewhat cooler. This homemade noodle dish is most often eaten in winter because after eating it you feel lovely and warm inside. Now that it's getting cold in NZ, I thought you could try it! 

Step 1: Make the noodle dough. Mix some flour and water until you get a ball like the one below. They don't have a recipe per se, just eyeball it.

Step 2: Leave it to sit for about 20mins when it should look a bit more like the one below. Then rub it all over with a bit of peanut oil (it seems to be the only kind oil the Chinese use in cooking.)

Step 3: Cut into slices as below.

Step 4: Stretch each piece until it is nice and thin. Wind the length around your arm if you need. Get the water boiling and start frantically pulling off pieces as below, throwing them into the water. Two people to a pot if possible, time is of the essence!

Step 5: Let it boil until they are cooked to your liking, this doesn't take very long. 

Step 6: Add some lightly stir-fried tomato pieces, leafy greens, seaweed, and drizzle in a beaten egg or two. Anything you want really, go crazy! Add Chinese vinegar and sesame oil to taste. Enjoy. 

NB. For a different variation, after boiling the noodles you can turn this into stir-fried Mian Pian and give everything a turn about in a hot pan.

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