12 July 2011


So, after 5 days the fog finally lifted, the sun came out, and we could see the ocean. Honestly, after all that hype, it was disappointing. Still, at least now I can say I've seen it!

Luckily I've managed to find other, non seaside related things to do while I've been here, and it has been a refreshing change from Lanzhou life. In the past few years Qingdao has been considered one of China's most livable cities and it's easy to see why. The sea breeze, quaint old buildings, not to mention the hills (finally a Chinese city with hills, oh, how I've missed them.) I've spent most of my time just wandering around the old town, taking it in. 

Surprisingly I haven't eaten a great deal, or nothing too exciting to say the least. I have spent quite a lot of time in cafes reading though... Perhaps not the most cultural of trips?

One more day until home, I'll post more pictures then.

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