3 July 2011


This morning something was definitely up. Dashing policemen at every street corner, helicopters circling overhead, crowds of people surging past me. Granted none of this is totally foreign when in China but at 7.30am on a Sunday?

At 8am, I was waiting patiently in the library for my english language student to arrive, when I got a phone call. She wasn't able to cross the road to get there and would have to cancel. Unfortunately the rest of her call was lost on me, Chinese phone conversations are still far too challenging. 

What was going on? A parade to round of this week's celebrations? A state funeral? A royal wedding?

Upon walking to the end of the street, I found out and after all the anticipation, it was kind of disappointing. 

A marathon.

All of these people got up that early on a Sunday just to watch a marathon. I suppose it just goes to show how supportive the community is here.

Just in case no one turned up though, there is always the official cheering section. Signs, drums, cymbals and slick chants. Do you think these people get paid?

It was a long walk home.

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