17 September 2011


I don't know what I expected.

While I was holed up in bed out of action, friends started to rave about a new discovery they had made at the night market across from our university. A few days ago, my first day out and about, my first day of eating in a while, and they took me along for the ride. Well as I say, I don't know what I expected.

It certainly wasn't this.

I went for the bacon option, though I must say, the "Mango Cheese" did tempt me.... perhaps next time?

When it arrived I was rather taken aback, perhaps I had more of a baked potato in mind? In truth, the potato was baked, and very nicely, it was the huge volume of gooey orange cheese surrounding it that put me off.

An interesting experience for sure, perhaps not one I'll be repeating again soon. Where on earth do they come up with this stuff?

P.S Please excuse the horrible pun but I had to do it.

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