23 September 2011


The sign on the wall of the restaurant we had dinner in today -  "New Zealand Beef" - there are a lot of NZ imports to be found around town. I quite like it :)

During my first days here, many people quite naturally asked where I was from. These exchanges usually resulted in a lot of confusion. After a week filled with many of these encounters I began to think it was very strange that no one had heard of New Zealand. I know it's small but it's not that small right?

One day, a very patient taxi driver finally explained to me that in Taiwan, New Zealand is not 新西兰 (xinxilan) as it is in mainland China but instead 紐西蘭 (niuxilan). Problem solved.

There are quite a few differences language wise between the Mainland and Taiwan that have taken some getting used to. 

Tonight I did not indulge in NZ beef, still feeling a bit unwell I went for the ultimate comfort, congee (or rice porridge for the uninitiated) This didn't differ from China's congee one bit. Totally delicious.

I'm hoping that a weekend out of the city and by the sea should do me some good. Have a good weekend!

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