14 February 2012


A little day trip from Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon for short) to the Mekong Delta. I was disappointed by the water colour, but really what should I have expected? It was fun to weave through the trees on the junks and explore some of the islands.

 But let us skip back a bit to breakfast, cocoa pops - the breakfast of champions.

Coconuts everywhere! Coconut water, coconut oil, dessicated coconut, coconut candy....

Refreshments en route, my favourite sitting in the back- pomelo, so lovely to eat a lot of it in Vietnam, it's out of season in Taiwan right now. Chilli salt for dipping on the top right.

These ladies impressed me with their speed, they out paddled us without even breaking into a sweat.

Perhaps their efforts inspired some of our group to have a go?

Lots of rice paddies down this way as well, so pretty and they can get in 3 crops a year in the south, not bad. As we moved from the North southward, the crops were taller and taller so we could see the crop cycle.

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