29 November 2011


It is a beautiful day here shock horror, I still can't quite believe it is almost December (i.e winter!) and I am wearing things that only a high summer Wellington day would warrant.

This housing community is nearby my house and home to the nearest (but not the most well stocked) supermarket. It is quite a sight, these towers seem to stretch as far as the eye can see. I don't know how many there are in total but at least 38! Can you imagine living like this? I don't think I could.

There is an interesting vibe,  I can't work out who lives here. Indonesian supermarkets are plentiful, and there are lots of bored looking Indonesian girls wheeling around aged Taiwanese folks.. Do the maids live here, or the Taiwanese? Is it where people drop off their old parents when they don't want to care for them anymore? I don't know.

I'm taking advantage of the days off to do some home cooking. After months of searching, I finally found some quinoa in a japanese supermarket that I have cycled past a dozen times but never noticed. Quinoa is super high in protein which I am definitely not getting enough of here so hopefully after lunch I'll be feeling a bit stronger!

I took the photos today on my phone, I still have trouble taking landscape shots - note my finger in the bottom right hand corner :)

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