24 November 2011


I am allergic to Taipei.

The climate is playing havoc on my skin. Be it the humidity, the scooter exhaust fumes in the air, changing seasons.... whatever it is my skin does not like it.

I have developed what I think is eczema for the first time ever (on my face!), my skin has gone become all "sensitive" and is now "combination", dry and oily at the same time, stinging sometimes for no apparent reason.... so not cool.

Today I decided that enough is enough. My Dr Hauschka routine has been shelved in favour of Eau Thermale Avene. It's french, made up of a primarily (french) mineral water base and is supposedly super gentle for sensitive skin, which I now have!

I did a lot of research beforehand and I hope that this is the answer. I love the first few days of using a new product when you can dream about how quickly it is going to solve all of your problems and leave you looking like perfection....

We will see.

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