18 September 2011


So in China it was all about the morning market, here in Taiwan the night market is THE thing. I have been an appalling tourist so far and only managed to go to the one next to the university, but last night I journeyed across town, TWO tedious metro changes later to the mother of Taipei night markets, the most famous, ostensibly the best, Shilin Night Market.

Food, cheap clothing, random toys, creepy "cute" things that I do not even attempt to understand. It's all here.

My first Chou DouFu, Taiwan's famous stinky tofu. Yes it does indeed smell quite bad. Luckily it doesn't taste as bad as it smells. The doughnut that followed afterwards speeded me to recovery anyway!

Refreshing jelly on a hot evening. I just like how it looks in the big bowl.

Sugar cane above and delicious lemon, cranberry and lime coolers.

Signs advertising two things (Papaya Milk and Steak) that it seems to me, you cannot walk one block here with seeing.

Fresh pink guavas. There is also a much larger variety which is white on the inside. These are the ones I know from home, though it is the first time I've eaten them fresh :)

This soft toy character is all over the place. The girls use these candy coloured elastics to tie up their hair.

Bizarre blinged out iPhone covers... but how are you subsequently meant to use your phone?

Trends.... I've inadvertently made a complete outfit for this mannequin!

Various items on offer.

An innovative way of marketing their "special" bubble milk tea to the masses.

Midnight snacks before the inevitable mission home on the metro, again with TWO line changes... I missed my bicycle tonight.

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