13 September 2011


photo: My kitchen, pristine and unused

I realise that I haven't talked about Taiwanese food much, and to tell you the truth, the reason is that  it really just does not interest me. This is totally disappointing but perhaps understandable given the hype it gets. People talk about Taiwan as the place that the Singaporean and Hong Kong foodies go for a change of scene, and given what I'm like when I'm in HK and all I've heard about Singapore, I though I would be surrounded by temptation. So not the case. 

I totally miss China, especially the spice! This is incredible considering I really wouldn't have called myself a spicy food eater four months ago. Right now I would kill for some of Chengdu's cold noodles, and in winter, a bowl of Lanzhou's spicy beef noodles would be absolute heaven.

In the meantime, since I went to such great lengths to find an apartment with a decent kitchen, I've decided I have to get back into cooking. Taiwanese people don't use their kitchens and this is understandable, it is simply cheaper to eat out. Oh well, life is too short to eat uninspiring food I think.

Today I went to the mother of all supermarkets, City Super. Generally, supermarkets in Asia are found in the basement of department stores and malls and the better the stores, the better the supermarket. This one is underneath the SOGO store that is home to Chanel, Burberry, Dior etc so you get the idea.

I'm not even going to tell you how much I had to pay for that feta but it was worth it. So satisfying.

Success. It's the simple things that taste so good.

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