9 September 2011


The past few days have been absolutely exhausting. Tonight when I left the library to go home, they had even closed the front doors.... No, I'm being dramatic, it was actually only 8pm but it felt very late!

Changing class was an epic.  After dropping my original class, I had to go shopping for a new one. I've found a class that will do, after attending all the classes in my level in one day (tedious). In the end, I picked the one with the most convenient time, no more early starts for me.

Getting back into the books is also a challenge. My brain refuses to work and the traditional characters (that I seriously cannot read) are impossible to memorise.

I'm sure in a few weeks I'll be fine but right now it's not looking so good - dictation tomorrow!

Luckily we have the long weekend for Mid Autumn festival to look forward to. Are you ready for mooncakes?

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