15 September 2011


photo: This area becomes a bustling restaurant strip at night, and it's on my street. So many options.

Given the not so positive review I've given the food I've had here so far, I thought I should actually show you what I've been eating.

The breakfast pancake from the first day I arrived. Shallot pancake with an egg filling.

A breakfast club sandwich. Curiosity satisified, I don't think I'll get it again!

Noodles with fermented soybean paste and sprouts.

Tofu. The one thing I totally love about Taiwan. So many different ways! This one had been fried, crunchy on the outside, soft in the middle with a sweet sauce.

Japanese noodle soup. Yummy. Extra points for the sprouts!

Plain noodles in broth....

and the bizarre "beef steak" it came with. The photo speaks for itself here.

 Beef and tomato noodles. Not the best specimen I've tried, the meat was too tough to eat. I found another place that had absolutely melt in the mouth Australian beef, next time I go, I'll be sure to take a picture.

Noodles with beef pieces and fermented soybean sauce. A basic.

Curry noodles; curry is tremendously popular here.

Thai Charcoal Chicken; the smell and sight of all the chicken on the bbq was pretty intoxicating, delicious marinade, crunchy skin and juicy meat.

Again, it's not that it tastes bad... It just doesn't excite me. Solutions anyone? I think I've just been totally spoilt in recent months. Everyone else here will go into raptures over the most average egg fried rice. I feel so jaded right now.... at the ripe of age of 20. Pathetic.

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