4 September 2011


I have to admit, I am not very impressed with Taipei's public transport. Taking the metro involves numerous line changes and there can be a 20 minute wait for the bus. I'm over it and it's only been 2 weeks! Being in China spoilt me..

Luckily, I don't need to worry about it anymore because I have independent means of getting around... and I bought it from Carrefour.

The shopping experience was excellent, they even let us ride around up and down the aisles to try them out! So much joy for the equivalent of NZ$100.

Scooters are the most popular vehicles around the city but there are still many bikes as well. I feel so safe riding on the roads, the cars always give you a wide berth and everything just seems to flow very easily.

There is nothing better  in this heat than feeling the wind on your face, it's great exercise, and I'm saving money!

Now, all I hope is that it doesn't get stolen. Three days and counting so far. It's still so shiny it sticks out like crazy... Luckily I can park it so I can check out my window (the view in the top photo)

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