5 September 2011


photo: NTNU Mandarin Training Center

We had orientation today so I'm all set to begin class tomorrow. I didn't get the time I wanted, I have 8am classes! I'll see how it goes but we are able to change around this week.

Textbooks have been purchased, I'm in a relatively beginner class because I cannot read the traditional characters they use here in Taiwan (much different to the simplified version used in China.) It's going to be tough going learning how to write all over again... Not something I am looking forward to.

We have 2 hours of language class everyday, and need to make up another 5 hours of supplementary classes each week be it language labs, independent study or culture classes, even sleeping in the library counts I am told! We will be getting silly time cards to log all of our hours on to make sure we comply, stupid new government requirements... I have to be good, if you have too many absences or bad grades they take away your scholarship and deport you!

Off to enjoy my last day of freedom.

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